Under the auspices of the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya (APIUM) which is part of the Academy's social activities in the framework of educating the public among Muslims in Malaysia to become a generation of al-Quran and al-Hadith literate in addition to understanding the sciences related to al- Quran, al-Hadith and Arabic. The program spanning nearly twelve years has undergone various adaptations and changes in line with current developments and requirements. Until now, this program that combines knowledge related to al-Quran, tajwid, al-Quran language and al-Hadith is the only program that is only offered by the Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya. Until now, the very encouraging response by Malaysians from various walks of life, both professionals and the general public, shows that this course has succeeded in producing most students who are able to master the recitation of the Quran, master Hadith and can communicate in Arabic. There are also those who have successfully completed this course have established a role as a good teacher of the Quran to the community. The courses offered consist of Al-Quran Study Course (KPAQ), Al-Hadith Study Course (KPAH), Talaqqi Hadith Course (KTAH), Arabic Language Course (KBA), Advanced Arabic Language Course (KBAL) and Talaqqi Bersanad Course (KuTAB) and Islamic Treatment Course (KPI).